So much to do so little time.. and I'm sick on top of that! A nice sore throat and head cold decided to settle in yesterday and has so far kicked my butt. Tonight I'm feeling better thanks to Cold Eze and Airborne which are loaded with vitamins. I'm determined to kick it by the weekend. It will either consist of Danielle going into labor and having a beautiful baby girl or going to Clovis to attend another wonderful year of our family tradition Bake Day! Either way, it's going to be one to remember, that's for sure.
Weight Watchers is going better than expected and we're so pleased to be able to say that. We had a bet, first one to 10lbs wins a professional massage. I won the bet, but not without a fight from my lovely wife, Nicole! I reached my 5% goal in winning this bet @ 11.8lbs in 5 weeks, 6 weigh-ins total. Nicole is doing very well and near the same @ 9.8lbs. We are working very hard and it's paying off. Consistency is key, like I've always said. So here's to consistency! :)
Work for me has been just insanely busy, but I love every minute of it. It is stressful and fast-paced, but just the environment for me. I'm bummed I'm sick, but focusing on getting better so I can get back quickly. As for Nicole's work, it's just steady right now. This is a bit of a slow time for them in comparison to the rest of the year.
Okay the Nyquil is setting in, time for bed.