Nicole is carrying our son. I cannot help but feel like I need to protect her with all my might. The other day we were in Safeway and this guy with this HUGE beer belly sticking out from underneath his shirt walked in. Turns out we met him head on in the next isle and I kid you not he literally took his glasses off and looked her up and down. I was watching him like a hawk and was literally seconds away from asking him if he wanted to take a picture since it'd last longer. I was not happy with him to say the least. While Nicole may have been totally oblivious I was not. I cannot believe I was able to keep my mouth shut, but just barely. I can definitely feel a change in me. It's weird. Most people know that I'm very alert and aware of my surroundings, but I think it's actually gotten even stronger. I'm aware of peoples every move when she is with me. I think I'm starting to even drive differently. She's starting to notice little changes in me too; it's pretty crazy.
It's so true about the "pregnancy glow" and I'm succumbing to it. LOL I seriously think Nicole is as pretty as she was on our wedding day every day now! Now, don't get me wrong, the woman is beautiful, but this gorgeous glow is something different! I can tell she is SO happy and feels SO pretty, it's written all over her face and I am just DRAWN to her. Like can't get enough. It's so bad that I can barely stand not standing next to her when we're in the same room! She's just drop dead gorgeous and I'm loving every minute of it.
What she does to me! PS. This beer is good. |
Protective Mama of a Gorgeous Glowing Mommy