Yes, I've become one of THOSE mommies. Uh oh. Honestly though I do try to preface everything with "what worked for us" coupled with finishing my conversation with "every baby is different and you'll figure out what works best for yours". And I truly mean it. I just feel like some of the things I HAVE to share were such life or time savers that I want to make it work for someone else's family too! I have good intentions I really do. Plus, most of these things were suggested to us thanks to some of the other new mommies around us!
So here are a few things that work(ed) for us:
-Swaddle me swaddles (only at bed time)
-Give breast feeding 1 month (I watched her cry from the pain, attended a lactation consultation appt and kept her company just so she wouldn't be lonely in those wee hours of the night while she fed)
-Attended a handful of classes @ Kaiser before his arrival (And baby makes 3 was invaluable!!)
-Communication is key (it is inevitable you will talk about some of the hardest things in your life during such a time)
-Zipper sleepers (because at 3am trying to line the buttons up takes a lot of effort)
-Breast flow bottles at 4 weeks (they mimic a breast so as to not cause nipple confusion)
-Cloth diapers (huge financial savings, gentle on their skin, bamboo inserts hardly leak, but it takes team work)
-Angel care monitor (monitors their breathing so mommies can relax and sleep a little easier)
-Aden and Anais blankets (esp for summer babies, good size and breatheable)
-Nuk pacifier (orthopedic kind to be specific)
-Gas drops (because there is nothing better than a happy baby!)
-Ergo & Moby (for when you need to be hands free)
-Puj tub (soft and convenient)
-Take time off (time honestly flies by, take off from work as much as possible)