Thursday, May 7, 2009


Week 1 has officially weighed in and Nicole and I each lost 6.5lbs! I love it! We're kicking butt and working hard! Nicole said today, "It's worth the hunger this time!" and I agree! We're working so hard at shrinking our stomachs so that we can eat the right portions! We usually have a salad a day and are staying away from a ton of bread.. potato's and baked goods! It's not easy, but we're getting results, thus making it easier! OH and we're not drinking soda, period.

This is the first time ever in Jen-Starbucks history that I haven't gone to Starbucks every morning and every afternoon each day. I have been making my iced coffee at home! Since Sunday I have only gone to Starbucks TWICE! Once was paid for by Nicole's amazing job she does @ work. Someone sent her a thank you gift card. :) The other was today because I met my cousin Christie for Starbucks and it was my turn to treat (we trade every other time). In fact, we're going to pick up more half and half so I can keep on with this trend. I'm saving us TONS of money, roughly 50 a week to be exact, by cutting out this habit! I'm very excited and proud of myself and hope I can keep it up!

That's all for now!

~ Jen


  1. I just love you girls.... thanks for being the great friends that you are... and wonderful mommies :)

    YOUR Brookie

  2. Wow... 6.5 lbs! That in incredible! $50 bucks a week is so awesome, that is such a big chunk of money you can save, put towards debt, or use for the wedding!

    I need to stop drinking soda again too...
