First of all, Nicole is feeling better! She worked 2 full days in a row while struggling with a little exhaustion, but last night the wedding excitement helped her to get through that. I swear we talked more (Gosh I missed that) last night till like 11pm (keep in mind I had to get up @ 5am!) than we had in 2 full weeks combined! It was great for sure! She's still taking it easy, resting as much as possible cause we want this to completely go away!
Secondly, yesterday I hit a new low, well it's a this time around new low. About 2 years ago I had lost 40lbs. After gaining just about half of it back, today & yesterday I'm only 5lbs away from that! THEN, anything beyond that will truly be a NEW low! SO exciting. I've made it to the gym 4 days this week, yesterday was my only resting day and I plan on going today\tomorrow. Going definitely promotes eating right, energy and weight loss of course! It's literally just GOING to the gym. :) Sometimes easier said than done! haha
Thirdly, the Help Desk Analyst III position was just posted at my work & I applied!!This will be a leadership\Senior role and it's something I've been working extremely hard for! It's hopefully 1 of 2 openings as there are 2 of us going for it, but just the 1 so far gives me a 50/50 chance! I'm staying optimistic, but being careful at the same time. I am definitely ready for this! I'll keep you posted!
Fourthly, my sweet sickie Nicole sent me a cute little bouquet of flowers to work yesterday! It was a thank you for taking care of her! :) I'm enjoying them for a second day at work and looking forward to bringing them home to enjoy some more! So love them, thanks Honey!
Lastly, we met with our AWESOME DJ yesterday! DJ Scuba in DA HOUSE! We talked about everything we want and expect and we just know he's gonna kill it! Look forward to dancing your butts off @ our wedding! Yes you too PREGO! ;) We also met with Tracy Murphy, she's kind enough to take on our wedding cake! We've decided to definitely scale back the dessert buffet idea and go with a full on cake. Both super happy with our decision and just know she's going to do a wonderful job on it!
Thanks again everyone for all your thoughts and prayers! They've been received and felt and things are looking better for Duncan's Mommies!
Don't worry, I will dance and take pictures even with the belly! -d