Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Trying to keep up!

Well if Danielle can blog more frequently being she is a Mommy then we have no excuse! haha

Last night was our weigh in and I have to say again I'm very proud of us. While Nicole maintained I did lose 1lb. I still view this as an accomplishment for BOTH of us. In my opinion, not gaining should be viewed as such.

Jen -17.4lb
Nicole -15lb

We had by far one of the BEST weeks to date! We both went to gym 4 times and ate at home practically all week with 1 night out. We feel really good about it which hopefully helps us roll into yet another great week. We have officially been doing WW for 12 weeks - another accomplishment. Like I've said before consistency is one of our weaknesses, but I'm hoping this is the start of changing that! :)

The boys are still doing great. In fact, we've been leaving them out of their crates unattended a little more. For instance yesterday, I was on lunch from 11-1130 then Nicole was on lunch from 12-1 and during that nice little 40 min window which includes the time it took for her to get home, I left them out. When she got there - they were good boys!!

We decided that in this crazy busy life we needed to set aside a single night that we will not double book and therefore is just for us. Our first Tuesday night - aka Our night went exceptionally well. We did a lot of Baby Sheldon talking and we both woke up feeling SO great and SO excited for what's to come in the future! Stay tuned but don't get too excited, we are still a few months out!

I will give myself some props for just a moment... the same time (Nov 1st) we started WW we decided to get me on a Starbucks budget. I have been below budget by 50% or more and we are starting to really see the impact in our bank account! I'm spending roughly 80 per month vs. the usual 180 or so. We budgeted 160 for me, so again mad props to me! :) I intend on keeping it that way and also give props to WW because without WW I'd probably still be drinking those $5 Venti Caramel machiatto's! And if you thought of me when you heard Starbucks is coming out with Trenta, I'm not surprised! I've received a few texts and comments from people who had! Although, I think that's TOO big! HA annnnd that's what she said! ;)


  1. Great job again, especially adding the gym. I need to get on that! That is great you were able to leave Logan out, it is so nice to just let them roam free. You guys are always so busy with going there, seeing them, and doing that you really do need some down time and alone time too!

    Nice job on doing even better than your original Starbucks budget and stay away from that new size!

  2. Thanks for updating, I really enjoy your posts! I'm very proud of both of you for sticking with it! I know it can be difficult!
