Friday, February 4, 2011

Mildly Interested

I think I can speak for both of us, we're having a case of feeling "mildly interested". This sparked just days after successful weigh ins however there are many contributing factors which I won't name each of! haha Anyhow, we are at least managing our mildly interested feelings, but man is Taco Bell good! All I have to say is, I'm glad they got my order wrong when I ordered 2!! crunchy taco surpremes and a bean\cheese burrito and only gave me 1 of each. I took it as a sign, a sign to save it for frozen yogurt! Man, last night was yummy. A nice little break from the low point, frozen or "regular" meals we've been having. (I'm not complaining, it was just a nice break! :)) I am looking forward to getting that "committed" feeling back.

Some "excuses" are ~ having terrible workouts on Wednesday. Having a lot to do @ night having Jon for the week. Nicole still not up to par. I won't mention any others!

I will say, we have been tracking and aren't going overboard.

Here's to "feeling committed" ~ Jen

Edit: So after this was written but not proofed yet we had a case of not just "Mildly Interested" but we went over the deep end to "Don't give a Crap!" We went out to dinner and had CHINESE FOOD....oops. It was SO good though and we enjoyed every bite. However, we did not enjoy the heartburn and uncomfortableness that followed. Jen also has a couple "regular" beers and enjoyed those as well.

But we are back on track and after a successful Superbowl we are both down a pound this morning! We are back to committed!!



  1. Sometimes a little binge seems to jump start your metabolism again.....right? It seems that way to me cause when I've binged in the past after being on a strict diet it seems I lose more long as it is only a one time occurance few and far between

  2. Well it seems as though mildly interested worked for you this week! Nice going both of you! Your hard work is really showing! Love, Mom
