the Thanksgiving Holiday we traveled to Maui with Nicole's whole family. I
really think traveling together is the way to go! We have also traveled with
them for a Mexican Riviera cruise and also traveled with my family to Donner
Lake, that was a first for my family! It was tons of fun!
Personally, traveling
stresses-me-the-heck-out until we're at our final destination. Thank goodness
my lovely wife is a good traveler!
I really miss traveling to So Cal to visit my Father, Sister and her family (1 niece, 3 nephews (one I haven't met)). Unfortunately, the dynamic has changed. Not by my choice, but my sisters. That doesn't mean I don't miss them, love them any less or hurt because they choose to not allow us in their lives because it "is just easier for them".. boy I wish I had that switch to turn on\off at the drop of a hat. And as for my Father, he struggles with addiction so unfortunately he is in\out of our lives from time to time. I'm hopeful that one day he will be freed from addiction and able to enjoy life with those who love and support him most.
Such great memories...priceless!