Thursday, July 9, 2009

Week 10 and workin' hard!

Okay, wow so I turned over blogging rights to Nicole for the last two weeks and she just hasn't had time, so here it is!

Last two weeks have been busy, stressful, good, fun, among many other things! We have really just been trying to maintain and that we have been able to do. Today, Week 10 weigh in we're both just up .5lbs from our lows. I've got -14.5lbs and Nicole has -15.5lbs under her belt! Still household total of 30lbs! Our weight is fluctuating quite a bit week to week, but we always manage to stay on track and work hard to get it back! I say we're living a healthy lifestyle with exceptions!

Nicole got an A in her Group Communications class and has started Psychology of Social Processes which she feels comfortable about! Lots of test and quiz taking, but she's good at that! :)

Work has been the same and steady for both of us; we're so grateful. Last month we were able to pay 800 on our RC Willey and have just 900 left! 500 this month and 400 next and we're done! I'm so proud of us! The no Starbucks has really contributed along with dieting because we just rarely dine out. I can say now that Starbucks daily is a thing of the past for me. Last time I filled my Starbucks card up was in April! Hard to believe, but now I can't believe I didn't do it sooner!

August will be an exciting month for us! We're going to put our first deposit down @ the Hyatt and take Nicole's family to check it out with us! Good news about that also... we don't have to use our Savings\Emergency Fund for it. We can afford it!

Hard work is paying off and things are just amazing in this household. We are so blessed!


  1. You guys are awesome, I'm proud if you both! Mom

  2. How exciting, I can't wait to see the Hyatt!


  3. I was just thinking its been a while since we've seen a post....whats going on? Mom
