Friday, June 19, 2009

Eating Right pays off for Week 7

Great results for Week 7! Jen -4.5lbs (-15total) Nic -3.5lbs (-14total) for a combined of 29lbs!! We rocked this week! We had a bad weekend, but we're pretty sure it makes our metabolism work extra hard during the good part of the week! At least it proved true for this week!

Nicole shared something with me yesterday. She had an epiphany about food. She doesn't feel like she's getting jipped if the portion or flavor of what we're eating isn't exactly the best AND food isn't the first thing on her mind! This is a huge step for her, I can't say it's the same for me yet, but it will definitely help both of us!

We've been eating Eating Right dinners about 3 nights a week. For lunches we have a tuna or chicken sammies. We're big fans of Orowheat Sandwich thins! You oughta try them! We haven't had much time for working out or wii fitting to be honest, but the weight loss is priority anyhow. Not to say we're not going to work out, we just haven't been! :)

Starbucks is completely gone from my daily routine. No more habit\addiction whatsoever. In fact, I just went to Starbucks with Christie yesterday and got a Black Tea because the mocha's and coffee's don't quite do it for me anymore! I like the ones I make better! It has saved us SO much money. 1lb of coffee a week @ 10bucks, Half\Half @ 4bucks and Sweetener @ 5bucks (lasts about 2 weeks or so) - based on our usage we spend about 15-18 per week making them at home vs. 50-70 going to Starbucks!! YES!

That's all for now! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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