Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Why is it that??

Why is it that? I find myself asking this all the time, but especially right now! Why is it that Nicole found a new way to get motivated and that in turn motivated me, but not 4 days later I come down with the flu?? Last week I was practically dead to the world, ALL WEEK. This doesn't make for easy dieting on anyone! I couldn't eat really for 3 days, but that means Nicole wasn't making herself dinner.. once I got my appetite back I wanted everything in sight! This didn't help either of us. We haven't really worked out in about a month to be honest. We were back to "Let's lose some weight before gaining muscle!"... because losing weight I don't care who you are makes all the difference in attitude above and beyond gaining muscle (aka weight)!!

Nicole said yesterday "I guess I'll just be a fat bride.." but I just don't even think she is fat. When I look at her all I see is a sexy beautiful woman! This doesn't help her.. lol and we're just not helping each other because we're weak. We have lost some strength and most of our motivation.. at least for today and the last week or so, but we'll get it back.

It was funny because a couple days ago I said.. let's go (insert bad place) and we'll be good after that! Or how about this one.. "At least we keep saying, we'll have a good month, EVERY MONTH!" We haven't given up all the way, every day dieting and being good is on our minds, but actions speak louder than words (even when they're in your head!) I do know... Anyhow, some encouraging words would be much appreciated!!!

PS - I'm starving right now!


  1. I'm glad you're feeling better and the motivation and strength will come when you are ready. For right now just try to stay healthy; thats the most important thing. Mom/Tammy

  2. Dang it, mom beat me! I thought I check everyday but I guess I missed a few.

    You guys are beatiful women and although it may not help to tell each other that, it is wonderful to have someone that loves you just the way you are. It is never to late to start again. We could go try on wedding dresses if that is motivating?

