Thursday, March 24, 2011

Brotherly Love

I will preface this post by saying that we recently relocated Duncan and Logan's crates. We used to do this every once in awhile when Dunc would snore really loudly, but this time its for good. Those boys make SO MUCH NOISE at night!! I think they set each other off. So they are now located in the dining room, classy, we know. We are bursting out of our little condo seams!!

So this morning I let Duncan out of his crate first and said "Let's go get your brother" and he ran up all excited and pranced in front of Logan's crate! How cute is that!!!! So I let Logan out and they tackled each other and ran off. I thought to myself "What a great way to start my day, Duncan seemed to know exactly what I was doing!"

I go about my merry way and get ready and head into work and start chatting with Jen, all excited to tell her about the newest thing our boy's did!! So I rave all about it and she tells me that she does it all the time with Duncan!! LOL No wonder he knew exactly what I meant!!

How many pups do you see in this picture?

Sidenote: Also in our chat this morning Jen made a comment about herself and used the word "skinny!!!" It was the first time she has ever used this word about herself!! I was so proud! It was because her belt, which she now HAS to wear in order to keep her pants up, was practically wrapped around her twice! Guess its time to get a new belt!

I hope everyone is staying as warm and dry as possible in this horrible weather!!


  1. O.M.G! That pic is TOO cute! I can't believe how much they love each other, it's precious how much they cuddle. I like the new weight loss tickers too.

  2. You guys are lucky to have those boys in your life! And they are lucky boys too! Love the pic and you are both looking skinny these days!

  3. Such a cute picture! You have gorgeous boys. =)
