Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour and a busy day!

I worked 11-8 in fact I'm just about outa here... I'm really pleased to say that Nicole and I are going to participate in Earth Hour tonight! When I get home, we're gonna eat something really quick, I'm gonna shower and we're going to enjoy one hour in quiet by candlelight. I'm really looking forward to it. It's not only going to help the Earth, but help us too! We can talk, read, and just spend quality time together with no distractions (the tv or computers etc..). It's gonna be great!

Work was pretty dang busy today believe it or not! I'm not complaining though because it helps the time fly by and boy do I need that working a Saturday 11-8 shift! :)

As for that Internal War, it's mellowed out a bit and I'm fine.... gosh my emotion was all over the place that day! LOL

Currently, I'm thinking about going to college while Nicole does too. Perhaps get my Associates or something in Technology to further expand my IT career. I have a review this week with my boss (Wish me luck) and I'm going to ask if WSI is still doing education reimbursement and if so, I may go. Since I started this job here in Store Support I've learned a great deal of both Hardware and Software and it's really peaked my interest, so I think I'm just going to run with it! We'll see what happens!

Anyhow, I'm outa here for the night and going home to participate in Earth Hour with my Amazing Fiance and Gorgeous (Clean) House!!

Have a great weekend everyone!

~ Jen

1 comment:

  1. I meant to ask last night what earth hour was and the subject got changed right before I did. That would be really cool if WS pays for education, you like to be busy so it would be nice to do while you work.

