Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"It's working!"

Last night we had a fantastic weigh in. We mentioned on FB - Nicole had an exceptional loss down 2.4lbs total -18.4!! I was down .8 total -22.4! That put me @ 10%. The Leader was SO proud of me and shared some of the many benefits to losing that 10% such as reducing the risk of Diabetes and Heart disease by over 60% on both. That really helped me to feel even better about my loss and lifestyle change. I hit 200 even this morning, it's my second time, but I'm REALLY liking the idea of the 200's being a thing of the past!! I'm SO close and I DO want it SO bad, so I'm gonna get it! :) 

Also in our meeting last night was a newbie. She stated she had done it before and "it didn't work!". The leader ate that right up and proceeded to be a smart alec "Well it's not going to work this time!". It got awkward for a second, but we all laughed because we know how sarcastic our leader is, but the newbie didn't. LOL The point is, "nothing changes, if nothing changes" and unless you work this program it's not going work! She said "we're all here because our own program didn't work, right?" It's so true it's not even funny. I'm really taking to this program and for the long haul I think. Even once Nicole gets prego we're going to stay on it because "It's working!" When she asked me about how I feel after recognizing me for the 10% in front of everyone I said "I feel wonderful and it's working because I'm working!" 

We are at a grand total of 40.8lbs and we have a combined goal of 50lbs on or before March 6th. Nicole also has a separate goal of 20lbs on or before March 20th. My goal right now is 199.5 or LOWER! STAT! :D The point of these goals are to set yourself up for success, that's why the time frame.

Anyhow, clearly I am LOVING WW. It's really working for us, honestly and rest assured there's no plan to stop anytime soon; especially with all of this incredible support.

PS - I am down to 33 points; I lost a point last night! BOO! LOL 


  1. Great Job Girls you look FAB!!

  2. I'm loving WW too! Thanks for inspiring me to do so!
