Thursday, December 15, 2011

Two Turtle Doves

Topic: Loved Ones (beware mushy)

I have one too many directions in which I could write this post, but I'll go with Nicole and I. I just feel so blessed and so grateful that we fell in love and get to share the rest of our lives together. Before us, I never knew a love like this; a love that is so true, so understanding, so respectful and so on fire... Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming, I kid you not. Personally, I think about Nicole all of the time. It seems like my mind can only keep thinking about what I can do for her to make her feel special, to make her happy, to make her smile, to make her laugh and to make her feel loved by me. From moving the car at 530am in the freezing and raining weather so she doesn't have to walk very far when it's time for her to leave for work, to leaving her little cheerleader notes to have a great day 143 UI (Until Infinity), to sending her flowers at work just so she has something pretty to look at for a few days, all the way to laying her clothes out for her so she doesn't have to think about it while she's rushing to get out of the house... I just can't help it and I don't think she minds.

We are often reminded by friends and family about this love between us and how special it is and I like to think I don't take it for granted, at least most of the time because hey, we're all human. I just feel so lucky to have married the love of my life and I can't wait until we get to share some of this love with our child here shortly.

Life is seriously too short and I wish this same happiness for everyone because after all this is what it's all about.


  1. I like mushy! I love that you make our daughter so happy! I am confident that you guys will grow old together and still love each other just as much!

  2. I am so happy my sister has someone so wonderful to remind her just how special she is! You are an incredible wife!
